Being the grassroots, little engine that could candidate means that we need all-hands on deck to flip this district! You can help me get the word out about me to voters in your network by sharing a post on your social media saying you voted for me.
Here is a sample post you can copy and paste, tailoring it as you'd like, to show your support for me.
“I’m voting for Cindy Banyai for US House of Representatives #FL19 by August 18, 2020. If you live in coastal Southwest Florida from Boca Grande to Marco Island you can too! Dr. Cindy Banyai is a mom and small business owner fighting for our water, our health, and our community. She is ready to take her expertise in governance to DC to fight corruption and create a #SWFL where the sun shines on everyone. Learn more and donate to her campaign at https://www.cindybanyai.com/
Here is some additional information about me and my campaign to share with your friends!
A Southwest Florida community where everyone is happy, healthy, and connected – a place where
the sun shines on everyone
Why am I running?
Families go bankrupt everyday trying to keep their loved ones alive in our broken health care system. Our waters are polluted, and hurricanes and flooding threaten our homes and businesses. I am willing to think together with all leaders and act on the issues that most affect us. I’ve researched and published on community development and governance and am part of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Florida Gulf Coast University. I have the desire, knowledge, and skills to craft meaningful and effective policy that will improve the
lives of Southwest Floridians for the long run. I’ve dedicated my entire career to making communities and organizations work better to reach their goals. These are assets that Congress desperately needs right now.
Having a mom and a business owner represent Southwest Florida in Congress means your voice will be heard. I’m not some disconnected guy who barely comes to Southwest Florida, let alone his job in Congress. I live here. My kids were born here, go to school here. I’ve worked tirelessly to listen to what people here think and want for our community and I’ll continue to do that as your rep. I will not sell out my values and our community to enrich big companies, big donors, and the political elite. I will work for you to craft policy to keep your family safe, to make sure there are good jobs and strong local businesses, and our beloved Florida environment is clean. I
promise to protect, promote, and preserve.
She’s a Moms Demand Action Gunsense candidate, a member of the No Dem Left Behind Coalition, supported by Women for the Win, and endorsed by the Democratic Environmental Caucus of Florida, Pastor Juan Gonzalez, Rachel Brown, Anselm Weber, Maureen Porras and me!
Check out her website and sign up to volunteer:
Social media
Twitter @SWFLmom2020
Facebook facebook.com/swflmom2020
Instagram @SWFLmom2020
My Bio
Dr. Cindy Banyai is a Democrat running for Florida Congressional District 19, spanning coastal Southwest Florida from Cape Coral to Marco Island. She is a mom of 3 native Floridians, a small business owner, and part of the faculty of Political Science and Public Administration at Florida Gulf Coast University. Dr. Banyai has been a decorated professional in the field of community development for almost 20 years, collaborating with nonprofits around the world on issues such as homelessness, children’s services, education, and sustainable development. She’s running for Congress to be the servant leader that Southwest Florida deserves.
Donate to my campaign:
Articles about me:
