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Team Banyai Millenial Campaign Kickoff Event a Success

Dr. Cindy Banyai

Awesome sci-fi fan girl speaks about badass mom for Congress
Friends of Cindy Banyai Chair Alexandra Anderes

Friends of Cindy Banyai Chair, Alexandra Anderes, is pleased to announce the official campaign kickoff event held last Friday at Millennial Brewery in Fort Myers was a huge success. The event gathered together those that have been with the campaign from the beginning and new supporters. "Cindy is the most committed and qualified candidate to have ever run for Florida District 19 and we were so happy to be able to share the growing excitement of the campaign with so many," said Anderes, a Fort Myers attorney. Total figures for the event are still rolling in, but it definitely was a big boost for the already revving fundraising efforts of Team Banyai.

Special thanks to Millennial Brewery for hosting the event and Seed and Bean Market for providing food.

Missed the event and still want to support Cindy? Click here and we'll send you a limited edition campaign button!



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