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Rachel Brown, Anselm Weber, and Cindy Banyai endorse each other for office

Dr. Cindy Banyai

Dr. Cindy Banyai, Candidate for US House of Representatives FL-19, Rachel Brown, Candidate for Florida Senate District 27, and Anselm Weber, Candidate for Florida House District 76, swap endorsements.

Fort Myers, FL-- July 3rd, 2020-- FL- 19 Congressional candidate, Dr. Cindy Banyai, and the young couple running for Florida’s state legislature, Rachel Brown and Anselm Weber, are endorsing one another. The candidates are tired of politics as usual and are running to make real change in Florida.

Brown and Anselm met during their time at Florida Gulf Coast University and bonded over their dedication to environmental restoration and political system reforms. As recent college students, Brown and Anselm understand the burdens that face this generation. They have had their struggles while working low wage jobs and have loans they took out to get through university. The progressive couple hopes to truly represent the people in Southwest Florida - they are not interested in being career politicians.

Dr. Banyai is also working to challenge the status quo of today’s politics. She is a mom, university instructor, and small business owner who has studied government systems all over the world. She is looking to bring her expertise to the table and to find real solutions that work for real people.

Brown and Anselm as well as Banyai are fighting for universal healthcare, raising the minimum wage, local housing reforms, and investing in education and local communities.

Check out the podcast Dr. Cindy Speaks featuring Rachel Brown and Anselm Weber.

For more information, press only:

Eddie Thinger


For more information on Cindy Banyai:

For more information on Rachel Brown:


For more information on Anselm Weber:




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