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Poll shows Banyai has commanding lead in support among Democrats in Southwest Florida

Dr. Cindy Banyai

Dr. Cindy Banyai garnered 88% of support in recent survey of likely Democratic voters in Florida 19

Fort Myers, FL – Dr. Cindy Banyai is certainly a candidate that is energizing Democrats across Southwest Florida. According to an internal poll, 88% of respondents indicated support for her run for US House of Representatives Florida District 19.

The internal poll, conducted by a third-party set of volunteers focused on texting campaigns, was conducted over several weeks in July and early August. Over 20,000 Florida 19 Democratic voters were contacted by text on two occasions during July and August and 2,094 unduplicated survey responses were analyzed. An astonishing 1,684 (80%) of the respondents indicated strong support for Banyai. Just 8% of respondents remained undecided. Based on the number of registered Democrats in Florida 19, the survey results have a 99% confidence level with a 2.8% margin of error.

“I am humbled and astonished by these results,” Banyai said. She continued, “this really shows that Democrats across Southwest Florida are hungry for change and energized to engage. I know we can take this excitement through to the general election to flip this district.”

Dr. Cindy Banyai is a Democrat running for Florida Congressional District 19, spanning coastal Southwest Florida from Boca Grande to Marco Island. She is a mom of 3 native Floridians, a small business owner, and part of the faculty of Political Science and Public Administration at Florida Gulf Coast University. Dr. Banyai has been a decorated professional in the field of community development for almost 20 years, collaborating with nonprofits around the world on issues such as homelessness, children’s services, education, and sustainable development. She is running for Congress to be a servant leader and create a Southwest Florida where the sun shines on everyone.

For more information, press only:

Eddie Thinger

(239) 351-5574

For more information on Cindy Banyai:



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