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Dr. Janelle Christensen's Platform for Change of the Florida Democratic Party

Dr. Cindy Banyai


. Center FDP Mission and Values on helping candidates run ethical and winning campaigns.

a. Revise Mission, Vision, and Bylaws to uphold support for Democratic candidates and ethics

i. Hold FDP board meetings as long as it takes to get through amendments which we have been working for the past three years. (Right now, we get through approximately one amendment every six months. We need to catch up).

b. Every decision needs to be tied to the goal of supporting candidates (including access to data, advertising, research on messaging) everywhere they run in Florida.

c. Existing programs such as Voter Protection, Voter Registration, Voter Turnout, Municipal Elections can have measurable effect on campaign success, but these programs have not been properly evaluated. Weed to measure how and how much each program helps Democratic candidates.

2. Financial stability

a. Donors will not give to party unless they trust leadership to make ethical and strategic decisions.

i. Even if FDP is not directing policy, it matters when we take money from companies that contribute to environmental and social damage. Ultimately, it hurts candidates.

b. Focus on small donor-base and clearly spell out what donations provide for candidates and the community.

3. Bring research “in-house”.

a. FDP has multiple lawyers and social scientists already in leadership positions. We can leverage this into training at the DEC level. Opportunity to train people through a certificate program.

i. Focus Groups

ii. Survey Design

iii. Data analysis

iv. Messaging/ Advertising

b. Expand role of clubs and caucuses to assist with legislative tracking.

i. Clubs and caucuses are the subject matter experts (and conscience) of the FDP.

ii. Legislators need guidance independent of paid lobbyists.

1. Democratic Environmental Caucus has examples:

a. Lobby Days

b. Legislative Tracker

c. Legislative Report Card

d. Training videos for the public

e. Internships with stipend

4. Partner with aligned organizations:

a. We can’t do it all. We need to partner with other organizations (that perhaps have more flexibility) to assist with voter registration, voter turnout.

i. People Over PACs

ii. Blue Wave Coalition

5. Candidate support:

a. Aid with filing the paperwork to run for office. There needs to be someone at FDP to help walk people through this process if the Florida Department of Elections is not responsive.

b. Create robust roster of Treasurers to aid candidates with the archaic financial reporting system. FDP ought to match.

c. Create a network for peer to peer support and training for Democratic candidates in Florida.

d. Data access.

i. Charge no more than $100 for candidates to use VAN.

1. Explore providing it for free if candidates have staff go through training.

ii. Consider alternative data programs, such as AI360 /Aristotle.

iii. Tie into the internship program.



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