Over the course of a uniquely complicated Democratic primary race, Dr. Cindy Banyai and David Holden presented differing ideas for how to best represent Florida Congressional District 19. Amidst opposing perspectives, the two candidates agreed on an important issue: informative, civil discourse.
Throughout town halls and debates, in-person and virtual, Banyai and Holden stuck to the issues. Contrasting the Republican primary, whose end was marred by allegations of an intraparty disinformation campaign, Banyai and Holden kept their campaigns on the high road. The two candidates made their case to Democratic voters by playing up their differences in experience and policy agendas.
As the Democratic Nominee for FL-19, Banyai sees an ally in Holden and his supporters."David has done a lot for Democrats in Southwest Florida, improving our party’s visibility in 2018. I want to thank him for running a race that allowed us to underscore differences in our policies and platforms. I think there is a lot David and I do agree on, and I hope his supporters will help us flip this district from red to blue.”
David Holden ran for Congress in 2018 as the Democratic nominee. Though he lost to Republican Francis Rooney, the incumbent, he managed to increase Democrats’ share of the vote. While Democrat Robert Neeld, who ran in 2016, secured 34% of the vote, Holden managed to win 37.7% in 2018.
Banyai is set on continuing the Democratic Party’s upward trajectory in Southwest Florida, this time for the win.