For Immediate Release

FT. MYERS – The Cindy Banyai for Congress Campaign is excited to announce that she has hired a national-known Democratic consulting firm to assist with managing her campaign in Florida’s 19th district.
Banyai has hired the Chicago based 1833 Group. Partners Nick Daggers and JR Patton will serve as Senior Advisors to the campaign, while Hannah Bartholf has been named Finance Director.
With a combined 30 years of electoral campaign experience, the 1833 Group has worked with campaigns nationwide to help them reach their fundraising and political goals. Some of their past successes include; electing Howie Morales as Governor of New Mexico, leading Barbara L’Italien’s fundraising efforts in Massachusetts, setting a fundraising record for a Congressional campaign in Virginia in 2017, and helping elect Bill Foster to Congress in 2012 and Debbie Halvorson to Congress in 2008.
“I can’t say enough about the strong team we’ve built for our campaign,” said Banyai. “We have a set of true professionals that have the skills, experience, and know-how to create a winning campaign in Southwest Florida.”
Cindy is a first-time candidate, a small business owner, a professor, and the proud mother of three children. Her own personal experience with her child’s health issues and being forced to navigate a cumbersome private health insurance process inspired her to run for all the families that need a voice in Congress.
“We are thrilled to be a part of Cindy’s team and look forward to working with her to turn this district Red-to-Blue in 2020, said JR Patton. “Cindy’s campaign has the support of the national No Dem Left Behind coalition which took early notice of Cindy’s tenacious attitude and determination.”
Banyai has also named Edward "Eddie" R. Thinger as her local Campaign Coordinator.. Eddie is a senior at Florida Gulf Coast University where he served in leadership roles for many organizations and was active in the student government. "Eddie brings energy to our campaign and is masterful at connecting with local leaders and students. We are so proud to have him as part of our team, " said Banyai.
Cindy is running as a Democrat in Florida’s 19th district, which is an open seat being vacated by the retiring Republican Congressman.
Contact: JR Patton,