Friends of Cindy Banyai is pleased to announce that Cindy Banyai has joined the No Dem Left Behind Coalition (NDLB). NDLB is a Coalition of Democratic candidates running in very red districts. Watch the video to learn more about NDLB.
You can donate to Cindy through the NDLB Coalition here.

No Democrat Left Behind is a nationwide coalition of Democratic congressional candidates running in deep red districts. Our groundbreaking campaign has never been seen before in American politics. We are an exciting group of candidates that are ready to share our vision with Washington.This coalition’s main goal is to provide voters with
an opportunity. An opportunity to hear both sides of the story, to make sure every voice is heard, and that every vote counts.
We have candidates from Florida to Indiana, West Virginia to Arizona and many more in,between. We are passionate about uniting the democratic party in a way that re-imagines the power of grassroots organizing. We hope to provide a sense of togetherness that will unite and empower voters on a monumental scale. Now more than ever the Democratic party needs willing candidates to fight day in and day out in the issues that matter most. As members of this coalition, we are working to:
● Protect the Middle Class
● Secure Access to Affordable Health Care
● Expand Mental Health Services
● Fully Fund Health Care to our Veterans
● Combat The Opioid Crisis
● Rebuild Our National Infrastructure
● Protect Future Generations From Climate Change
Voters across this country deserve zealous public servants that never forget who they are fighting for. We will only survive when we have a government that works for the people. No Dem Left Behind is dedicated to making that hope a reality.
Matt Tapia
Communications Director
No Democrat Left Behind
708-288-2066 |