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Cindy Banyai and Allen Ellison Endorse Each Other for Office

Dr. Cindy Banyai

Democratic Nominees for U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Cindy Banyai for FL-19 and Allen Ellison for FL-17, announce their joint endorsement for office.

Fort Myers, FL - Dr. Cindy Banyai and Allen Ellison earned the Democratic nomination for the U.S. House of Representatives and are excited to team up together in a show of support among Democrats in Florida. Both candidates have long-term commitments to Florida with a passion to serve their community. They are also members of the No Dem Left Behind Coalition, a group of Democratic Congressional Candidates who are running to flip red, rural districts to blue.

Ellison is the founder of the Center for Economic & Policy Development, which aims to facilitate economic growth throughout Central Florida and rural parts of the country. He is running for office because he believes this is the year that Democrats can finally flip Florida blue. Ellison will work hard to enhance economic opportunities for everyone by bringing well-paying jobs back to Florida. He feels that the country is desperately in need of new leadership and new ideas to overcome this challenging time.

Similarly, Dr. Banyai is a small business owner who is very involved with her community and works with non- profit organizations across Florida. She is also a professor at Florida Gulf Coast University who is dedicated to teaching her students about government. One of her primary goals in office is to create an economy where every American can pursue their goals and live a happy life.

The candidates look forward to supporting each other and other Democrats across Florida as they are committed to working hard to finally flip Florida blue in 2020.

Dr. Cindy Banyai is a Democrat running for Florida Congressional District 19, spanning coastal Southwest Florida from Cape Coral to Marco Island. She is a mom of 3 native Floridians and a small business owner. Dr. Banyai has been a decorated professional in the field of community development for almost 20 years, collaborating with nonprofits around the world on issues such as homelessness, children’s services, education, and sustainable development. Dr. Banyai is fighting for our water, our health, and our community. She is running for Congress to lift the voices of the people to be on the same level as politicians and CEOs and to create a Southwest Florida where the sun shines on everyone.

For more information on Cindy Banyai, press only:

Eddie Thinger


For more information on Cindy Banyai:

For more information about Allen Ellison:

Aisha Alayande


For more information about No Dem Left Behind:



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