Political Strategist Christine Pelosi will host the upcoming virtual town hall for the No Dem Left Behind coalition tonight.
Cape Coral, FL-- June 10, 2020-- The No Dem Left Behind coalition will be hosting a virtual town hall tonight with Christine Pelosi, a political strategist, DNC member and daughter of Speaker Nancy Pelosi., Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 8:00PM (EST). Members of the coalition will be discussing a variety of topics such as how they are campaigning during COVID- 19 and the ways in which they are addressing the unrest in America over racial tensions.
The No Dem Left Behind is a new coalition composed of Congressional candidates from across the country working hard to flip deep red and rural districts blue. They have combined forces to support each other as democrats and work to flip as many seats as possible.
Dr. Cindy Banyai is an active member of the coalition. She is running for Florida’s 19th Congressional seat and believes she has the energy and expertise to turn her district blue. She will be discussing her most recent project: removing the statue of Robert E. Lee from downtown Fort Myers.
Please will join Dr. Banyai and the rest of the No Dem Left Behind coalition with host Christine Pelosi tonight at 8:00PM (EST) for their virtual townhall! Register for the event here.
For more information, press only:
Eddie Thinger
(239) 351-5574
For more information on Cindy Banyai:
For more information on No Dem Left Behind: